Inter-district matchplay - SCBDWG vs BDGLA

2023 sees a new concept in the Inter-district matchplay between SCBDWG and BDLGA.  First match was at Keperra Country Golf Club on 16th July, with a second match scheduled for 23rd July at Maroochy River.

Each team comprises of 12 players, 6 off the stick (max GA 11.9), and 6 handicapped matchplay (max GA 24.0).

Round 1: Keperra Country Golf Club - there were some impressive and competitive golf, with 7 of the 12 matches going to the 18th.  SCBDWG proved to be the better team, with a 7.5 to 4.5 win.

Round 2: Maroochy River Golf Club - an enjoyable day was had by all, SCBDWG had a great win, 8.5 to 3.5.  They were crowned the 2023 winners and took home the trophy!!!

Many thanks to both Districts, players and caddies for contributing to such a successful and enjoyable event!


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